
Moola Pattabhi Raama Vajra Kavacha

हरि सर्वोत्तम । वायु जीवोत्तम । श्री गुरुभ्यो नमः ।

On the auspicious occasion of Vijayadashami and Madhva Jayanti of Krodhi Samvatsara (2024), we were blessed to play a tiny part in the offering of a magnificent diamond-encrusted golden Vajra Kavacha by Peethaadhipati Paramapoojya Sri 1008 Sri Vidyashreesha Teertharu to Sri Moola Pattabhi Raama Devaru of Śrī Rājēndratīrthīya Pūrvādi Maṭha Śrī Vyāsarāja Maṭha (Sosale).

Shira SaaShThaanga namaskara-s to Shrigalu (and dhanyavaadaaH to Abhijit Achar) for kindly arranging for sankalpa on Zoom and giving us nirmalya darshana of Pattabhi Raama and performing samarpaNe especially for us remote devotees in USA.

May Sri Moola Pattabhi Rama shower His grace on all!

Here is a video report on the event including some background and Shrigalu’s aashirvachana (with English subtitles) on the importance of Vijayadashami, and some live pictures taken during the nirmaalya samarpaNe.

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|| sarvaṁ śrī kṛṣṇārpanamastu ||