हरि सर्वोत्तम । वायु जीवोत्तम | श्री गुरुभ्यो नमः
The nine forms of devotion (नवविध भक्ति) are:
- श्रवणम्: listening to His stories and glories
- कीर्तनम्: singing His praise
- स्मरणम्: remembering His name and glories
- पादसेवनम्: serving (at) His feet
- अर्चनम्: worshipping Him
- वन्दनम्: prostrating to Him
- दास्यम्: becoming His servant
- सख्यम्: befriending Him; and
- आत्मनिवेदनम् (surrendering oneself to Him).
Of course, to reach the Lord we need a Guru – गुरुविन गुलामनागुव तनक दोरेयदण्ण मुकुति as affirmed by Purandara Daasa. The same nine-fold evolution of devotion applies here also – we listen, sing, remember, serve, prostrate and surrender to our Guru and only then get devotion to the Lord – मुकुन्दभक्तयै गुरुभक्तिजायै (Narayana Panditacharya).
There are many inspiring examples of friendship (सख्यम्) to Lord and Guru shown by great souls of yore such as Arjuna and Uddhava, but also more recently by Haridaasa-s in their compositions using एकवचन as “बारो”, “माडो”, “बन्दा” to address the dear Lord Almighty or Guru affectionately.
Purandara Daasa’s “देव बन्दा” is a shining example of such सख्यम्. An uplifting पद that is easy to sing especially in a group, it is simple to learn yet packed with references and hidden meaning (HERE is a wonderful rendition by Pandit Bhimsen Joshi).
Inspired by this captivating composition (and in the same melody), on the blessed occasion of the 353rd Aradhana of Guru Raghavendra Swamigalu, having received the review and kind blessings of Śrī Vidyāśrīśa Tīrtharu, Pīṭhādhipati of Śrī Vyāsarāja Maṭha, here is a humble attempt from Team Sahuri to showcase a few glimpses of Raayaru’s life and glories, seek his blessings, and hopefully inspire us to unwaveringly move forward in our spiritual journey.
राय बन्दा गुरु । राय बन्दा-नॊ ।
मध्वरवंश चिन्तामणि बन्दा-नो ॥
चरण १:
वेङ्कटनाथ बन्दा । सुधीन्द्र-शिश्य बन्दा ॥
वेदान्त-भाष्यद । परिमळ तन्दा-नॊ ॥
चरण २:
श्रीपूर्णबोध बन्दा । ज्ञानप्रदात बन्दा ॥
वैराग्यनिधि यति । राघवेन्द्र बन्दा-नॊ ॥
चरण ३:
राजाधिराज बन्दा । भक्तवत्सल बन्दा ॥
सकलप्रदात गुरु । योगीन्द्र बन्दा-नॊ ॥
चरण ४:
अगम्यमहिम बन्दा । तामस तट्टेय कण्डा ॥
कर्मजदे-व फल । पुष्प अर्पिसिद-नो ॥
चरण ५:
निरस्तदोष बन्दा । भवरोगहर बन्दा ॥
अष्टाक्षर-जपित । इष्टप्रद बन्दा-नॊ ॥
चरण ६:
तुङ्गातीरनु बन्दा । करि-शिलेय कण्डा ॥
तपो मू-रुति । बृन्दावन होक्का-नॊ ॥
चरण ७:
अप्पण्णगुरु बन्दा । कल्पवृक्षनु बन्दा ॥
परमद-याळु । सार्वभौम बन्दा-नॊ ॥
चरण ८:
राजर-गुरु बन्दा । भीमनेदुरि बन्दा ॥
प्रह्लाद-वरद-सहुरि-विठ्ठल कण्डानॊ ॥
Notation with Swara & English Lyrics HERE
Audio and Karaoke Recordings:
Meaning and Commentary
राय बन्दा गुरु । राय बन्दा-नॊ
मध्वरवंश चिन्तामणि बन्दा-नो
Raayaru has arrived – like the divine gem that grants all desires, hailing from the lineage of Madhva.
Guru Raghavendra has arrived with all his kindness only to grant the desires of his devotees and has the power to do since he is the delegate of Jagadguru Madhvacharya, who in turn is the chief delegate of the Universal Supremo Shri Hari.
Charana 1:
वेङ्कटनाथ बन्दा । सुधीन्द्र-शिश्य बन्दा ॥
वेदान्त-भाष्यद । परिमळ तन्दा-नॊ ॥
Raayaru has arrived – named Venkatanatha, student of Sudheendra Teertha, bringing the essence of Vedaanta philosophies in his teachings and commentaries.
Raayaru was born in 1595 in Kumbhakonam to the devout couple of Timmanna Bhatta and Gopikaamba after rigorous seva to the Lord in Tirumala. After the early demise of his father, Raayaru grew up in Madurai under the care of his older brother Gururaja. Already a brilliant student, he then studied Vedaanta, grammar and other Shaastra-s under Shri Sudheendra Teertha back in Kumbhakonam. He was a scholar extraordinaire winning many debates and writing many commentaries with many titles conferred, including “Mahabhaashyaacharya” from his Guru, and “Parimalaacharya” and other titles later on.
Charana 2:
श्रीपूर्णबोध बन्दा । ज्ञानप्रदात बन्दा ॥
वैराग्यनिधि यति । राघवेन्द्र बन्दा-नॊ ॥
Raayaru has arrived – fully enlightened by Vidya Laxmi, the giver of true knowledge, the repository of worldly detachment, the Sanyaasi named Raaghavendra.
Blessed by Goddess Vidya Lakshmi herself to be enlightened, Raayaru was ordained into Sanyaasa on Phalguna Shukla Dvitiya of Durmati Samatvsara (1621) with the name Shri Raghavendra Tirtha – aptly named for worship of Moola Raama since it variously means Raama, Hanumanta, destroyer of sins and bestower of desires. After succeeding his Guru as Peethaadhipati in 1623, Raayaru followed a busy daily routine filled with Japa, PaaTha, Pooja, Songs, Stotras, scholarly discussion and compositions – all as per Shaastra-s and Madhvacharya’s Sadaachaara Smriti.
Charana 3:
राजाधिराज बन्दा । भक्तवत्सल बन्दा ॥
सकलप्रदात गुरु । योगीन्द्र बन्दा-नॊ ॥
Raayaru has arrived – the Ruler of Kings, affectionate to devotees, giver of all to all, teacher and master of Yoga.
During a severe famine, Raayaru blessed King Vijayaraghava Nayaka by kindly agreeing to move to Tanjavur. He used his resources to feed thousands of people and conduct Parihaara Yagnya-s. Over a period of 12 years, by his divine presence he brought the kingdom back to prosperity. Raayaru then toured far and wide to various shrines including Rameswaram, Madurai, Srirangam, Namakal, Vellore, Vishnumangala, Subrahmanya and Udupi. During this period he spread the teachings of Acharya Madhva, wrote many commentaries and took on many illustrious students.
Charana 4:
अगम्यमहिम बन्दा । तामस तट्टेय कण्डा ॥
कर्मजदेव फल । पुष्प अर्पिसिद-नो ॥
Raayaru has arrived – of unfathomable glories and miracles, the deity of 19th echelon who received an “evil plate”, but offered it as fruits and flowers.
Raayaru is credited with a vast multitude of glorious miracles. He has not only cured the sick innumerable times but even revived the dead, as with the son of a Nawab who died prematurely due to snake bite, and the son of a Desai who drowned in a vat during cooking for a festival event. An illiterate washerman is once said to have miraculously spoken in chaste Sanskrit just when he carried old clothes discarded by Raayaru.
In a similar incident, by the blessings of Raayaru, Venkanna, a country bumpkin become a scholar and eventually Diwan of Adoni. During Raayaru’s stay at Venkanna’s home the skeptic Nawab of Adoni secretly offered a covered plate of meat (taamasa!) for Moola Raama Pooja to test Raayaru. However, by his yogic powers Raayaru knew this and by sprinkling water from his kamaNdalu converted it to fruits and flowers!
Not surprising – after all, Raayaru is the 4th and final avataara of Shankukarna, the Karmaja Devata who used to bring fruits and flowers daily to Chaturmukha Brahma for direct offering to Lord Vishnu. The only reason he was born on earth is that one day he arrived late and received Brahma’s “curse” – but this was only a trigger as part of Lord’s master plan that unravels later.
This miracle astounded the Nawab, who begged forgiveness and forced gifts of land to Raayaru, who forgave him and eventually accepted the village of Manchale, present day Mantralaya – the acquisition of which was the very reason for the miracle of course!
Charana 5:
निरस्तदोष बन्दा । भवरोगहर बन्दा ॥
अष्टाक्षर-जपित । इष्टप्रद बन्दा-नॊ ॥
Raayaru has arrived – free from all defects, destroyer of diseases and worldly woes, prayed to with eight-letter mantra, and the fulfiller of desires.
Raayaru’s miracles continue even today – of course to those who visit his Brindavana but also to his devotees who seek his blessings wherever they may be. In addition to being free from all defects and flaws himself, Raayaru has the power get rid of the diseases and worldly woes of his devotees and bless them with desired outcomes – especially those who chant the eight-lettered mantra “श्री राघवेन्द्राय नमः”.
Charana 6:
तुङ्गातीरनु बन्दा । करि-शिलेय कण्डा ॥
तपो मूरुति । बृन्दावन होक्का-नॊ ॥
Raayaru has arrived – resident of the bank of Tunga, who saw the black rock, the embodiment of penance, and who entered the Brindaavana.
For many years resided on the bank of Tunga river, conducting Shaastra PaaTha, writing Grantha-s for devotees, and serving Lord Moola Raama. Then Raayaru chose the special spot for his Brindaavana – exactly where he himself in previous avataara as Prahlaada had conducted Yagnya. He then showed Diwan Venkanna a divine black rock on which Lord Raama sat during his quest for Seeta and asked for the Brindaavana to be built from it.
Raayaru then took the blessings of Manchaalamma, promising her that all devotees would visit her first before his Brindaavana. And on ShraavaNa Bahula Dvitiya of Virodhikrit Samvatsara (1671), after Japa, Dhyaana and his final PaaTha and Pravachana, Raayaru entered his Brindaavana live in Padmaasana. After a final speech and rendering his famous “Indu Yenage Govinda” song, he commenced PraNava Japa. When his Japamaala became still, his disciples arranged the dark stone slabs around him along with 1200 Shaligramas and performed Abhisheka with 12000 gold varahas.
Charana 7:
अप्पण्णगुरु बन्दा । कल्पवृक्षनु बन्दा ॥
परमदयाळु । सार्वभौम बन्दा-नॊ ॥
Raayaru has arrived – the guru of Appanaachaarya, the divine tree that gives all wishes, the extremely kind guru of the whole world.
In the meantime, Appanacharya, Raayaru’s beloved disciple was unaware of these proceedings. This author of the most popular compositions on Raayaru such as “Shree Poornabodha …”, “Poojyaaya Raaghavendraaya…”, Mangalashtaka etc., was kept in the dark to only relieve him the grief of separation. Such was the ultimate kindness of the Universal Guru – who showers boons on his devotees like the divine tree and cow of the heavens. “Parama dayaaLu” is also a reference to Rayaru’s uplifting morning prayer “Praatah Sankalpa Gadya”, where he uses this term multiple times to praise the kindness of Lord Almighty and His emissary Vaayu Deva.
Charana 8:
राजर-गुरु बन्दा । भीमनेदुरि बन्दा॥
प्रह्लाद-वरद-सहुरि-विठ्ठल कण्डानो॥
Raayaru has arrived – the Guru of Kings, the opponent of Bhima, the one who saw Lord Narasimha, the giver of boons to Prahlaada.
In his previous avataara, Raayaru was Shri Vyasaraja Teertha, Raajaguru of Krishnadeva Raya, who started the final mission of Shankukarna, i.e. to help all good souls and restore the correct understanding of Shaastra-s in Kaliyuga by propagating the philosophy of Acharya Madhva.
Before that in Dwaapara yuga, Shankukarna was born as Baahlika Raaja. Although leading a good and pious life, he was unfortunately forced to fight against the Pandavas in Kurukshetra. He prayed for, and received, death at the hands of his so-called “opponent” Bhima. Of course, this was only due to the circumstances since Baahlika himself had aavesha of Vaayu and was a staunch devotee of the Lord. With a light tap of his mace, Baahlika was despatched by Vaayu’s 2nd avataara to be reborn in Kali Yuga to twice serve Vaayu’s own 3rd avataara of Acharya Madhva – first as Vyaasaraajaru and then as Raayaru.
Similarly, Brahma’s so-called “curse” that triggered Shankukarna’s first avataara was only instrumental to place him (with Aavesha of Vaayu) as Hiranyakashipu’s son, Prahlaada. Despite extreme hardships, the child Prahlaada showed unshakeable devotion to eventually see Lord Narasimha (Sahuri – see info HERE) appear out of a pillar and protect him from the challenges of his demon father. Lord Sahuri then rid the world of the evil and mighty demon Hiranyakashipu thus saving all good souls and helping his devotee restore the correct understanding of Shaastra-s.
Lord Narasimha then offered untold boons but Prahlada refused them all eventually only asking for the absence of desire – but Lord blessed him anyway to rule the world for many thousands of years!
May we be similarly inspired to do our duties as निश्काम्य कर्म and offer it to the Lord and receive His blessings in abundance!
Here are some links to more details on the glories of Raayaru:
- Life History (SRS Matha Website)
- Short overview (Hindu Janajagrati Samiti website)
- Some more information (Gururaghavendra website)
/Raghunath Rao/ “Do your Best … and leave the Rest … “
(All mistakes mine – all credit to Gurus and Acharyas )
|| sarvaṁ śrī kṛṣṇārpanamastu ||