हरि सर्वोत्तम । वायु जीवोत्तम | श्री गुरुभ्यो नमः
॥ श्री कृष्णाष्टकम् ॥ /
(श्री वादिराज तीर्थ कृत)
पालयाच्युत पालयाजित पालय कमलालय ।
लीलया धृथभूधराम्बुरुहोदर स्वजनोदर ॥
Protect and nurture me (पालय), O Lord who:
- is the Unchangeable/Flawless (अच्युत)
- is the Unconquered (अजित) [or has conquered all = a + jita]
- is the Abode of Lakshmi (कमलालय)
- bears (धृत) the [Govardhana] mountain (भूधर) playfully (लीलया)
- has the whole universe as a lotus (अम्बुरुह) in His abdomen/navel (उदर)
- bears all His devotees (स्वजन) [and their problems and sins] in His stomach (उदर)
मध्वमानसपद्मभानुसमं स्मरप्रतिमं स्मर
स्निग्धनिर्मलशीतकान्तिलसन्मुखं करुणोन्मुखम् ।
हृद्यकम्बुसमानकन्धरमक्षयं दुरितक्षयं
सिद्धसंस्तुत रूप्यपीठकृतालयं हरिमालयम् ॥ १॥
Remember (स्मर) the Lord Hari (हरिं), our refuge and destination (आलयं), who:
- Has a lovely form (प्रतिमं) like Kaama (स्मर) [Lord is Kaama’s father] [साक्षात् मन्मथ-मन्मथ]
- is like the Sun (भानु समं) blooms the Acharya’s lotus-like mind (मध्व मानस पद्म)
- has a much loved (स्निग्ध) radiant beautiful face (लसन्मुखं) emanating flawless cool rays (निर्मल शीत कन्ति)
- is the eager embodiment (उन्मुख) of compassion (करुण)
- has a pleasing (हृद्य) conch-like (कम्बुसमान) neck (कन्धरं)
- is without decay (अक्षयं) [or without body = kShaya]
- is the Destroyer of sins (दुरितक्षय)
- is devoutly prayed to (सम्स्तुत) by realized seekers (सिद्ध)
- and has made His abode (कृत आलयं) in Udupi (रूप्यपीठ) = abode of silver.
अंगदादिसुशोभिपाणियुगेन सम्क्षुभितैनसं
तुंगमाल्यमणीन्द्रहारसरोरसं खलनीरसम् ।
मंगलप्रदमन्थदामविराजितं भजताजितम्ं
तम् गृणेवररूप्यपीठकृतालयं हरिमालयम् ॥ २॥
Pray to (भजत) and praise Him (तम् घृणे), the Lord Hari (हरिं), our refuge and destination (आलयं), who:
- has pair of hands (पाणियुगेन) ornated by devotees (सुशोभि) with armlet etc. (अंगदादि) that fully destroy (सम्क्षुभित) their sins (एनसं)
- has broad and raised chest (उरसं) adorned by long (तुंग) garlands (माल्य), necklaces (हार) and chains (सर) with the best of gems (मणीन्द्र = कौस्तभ)
- makes the wicked (खल) powerless (नीरसं)
- is the Giver of auspiciousness (मंगलप्रद)
- majestically bearing (विराजितं) a churning rod and rope (मन्थ धाम) [gives delicious food for devotees][नवनीत ]
- is the Unconquered (अजित) [or has conquered all = a + jita]
- and has made His abode (कृत आलयं) in the excellent (वर) Udupi (रूप्यपीठ) = abode of silver.
पीनरम्यतनूदरम् भज हे मनः शुभ हेम नः
स्वानुभावनिदर्शनाय दिशन्तमार्थिशुशन्तमम् ।
आनतोऽस्मि निजार्जुनप्रियसाधकं खलबाधकं
हीनतोज्झितरूप्यपीठकृतालयं हरिमालयम् ॥ ३॥
O mind (हे मनः), pray to (भज) the Lord Hari (हरिं), our refuge and destination (आलयं), to whom I fully prostrate (आनतोस्मि), who:
- has slender and supple (पीन) and pleasant (रम्य) body (तनु) and stomach (उदरं)
- [abdomen is small but still holds whole universe]
- [उदरं = elevated and flawless one so think with high elevated thoughts about Him]
- has beautiful gold form (शुभ हेम)
- shows us (निदर्शनाय) our true nature/experience (स्व अनुभवाः)
- gives us direction (दिशन्तं) to realize our goal (अर्थि) of reaching ultimate internal happiness (सु-शं-तमं)
- who guided His dear Arjuna (अर्जुन प्रिय) to do his duty (निज साधकं)
- destroys (बाधकं) haughty wicked people (खल)
- takes away (उज्झित) our flaws (हीनत),
- and has made His abode (कृत आलयं) in Udupi (रूप्यपीठ) = abode of silver.
हैमकिंकिणिमालिकारशनांचितम् तमवंचितं
कम्रकांचनवस्त्रचित्रकटिं घनप्रभया घनम् ।
नम्रनागकरॊपमूरुमनामयं शुभधीमयं
नौम्यहं वररूप्यपीठकृतालयं हरिमालयम् ॥ ४॥
I pray (अहम् नौमि) to the Lord Hari (हरिं), our refuge and destination (आलयं), who:
- is adorned (अन्चितं) with golden (हैम) bells (किंकिणि) on a chain (मालिक) rope (रशन) [i.e. waist thread] [उडदार]
- cannot be cheated by anyone (अवंचितं) [also, cheats all wicked people]
- has a picturesque (चित्र) waist (कटि) covered with lovely (कम्र) golden (कांचन) cloth (वस्त्र)
- is of the color of a dense (घन) cloud (घन) that is radiantly lit (प्रभ)
- has thighs (ऊरुं) are like (उपम) the soft (नम्र) trunk (कर) of an elephant (नाग)
- is the remover of all afflictions (अन्-आमय)
- is full of auspicious (शुभ) bliss and knowledge (धीमयं)
- and has made His abode (कृत आलयं) in the excellent (वर) Udupi (रूप्यपीठ) = abode of silver.
वृत्तजानुमनोज्ञजंघममोहदं परमोहदं
रत्नकल्पनखत्विशा हृथहृत्तमस्ततिमुत्तमम् ।
प्रत्यहं रचितार्चनम् रमया स्वयागतया स्वयं
चित्त चिन्तय रूप्यपीठकृतालयं हरिमालयम् ॥ ५ ॥
O Mind (चित्त), do contemplate on (चिन्तय) [esp. His independence and our dependence on Him] the Lord who:
- has round (व्रित्त) knees (जानु) and shins (जंघ) that memorably captivate the mind (मनोज्ञ)
- frees His devotee’s from delusions (अमोहदं) [and is never deluded Himself]
- gives delusion to others [non-devotees] (पर-मोहदं)
- dispels (ह्रुत) the collection (तति) of darkness in the heart (हृत्-तमः) by the luster (त्विश) from His gem-like (रत्न कल्प) toe nails (नख)
- gets worship performed (रचित अर्चनं) every day (प्रत्यहं) by Lakshmi (स्वया रमया)
- came to Udupi of His own will (स्वया आगतया) [also gets archana of His own will]
- and has made His abode (कृत आलयं) in the excellent (वर) Udupi (रूप्यपीठ) = abode of silver.
दारमूर्धजभानुमन्डलरंजकं कलिभंजकम् ।
वीरतोचितभूषणं वरनूपुरं स्वतनूपुरं
धारयात्मनि रूप्यपीठकृतलयं हरिमालयम् ॥ ६ ॥
Hold in (धारय) your mind (आत्मनि) the Lord who:
- by the brightness (रुच) of his beautiful lotus-like feet (चारु पाद सरोज) emanating light (युग्म) that makes the collection (उच्चय) of devatas (अमर) with fan-like (चामर) long (उदार) hair on the head (मूर्धज) shine like the Solar orb (भानु मण्डल) in a pleasing manner (रंजकं) [lights up our mind]
- destroys (भंजक) wickedness (कलि) [inside our mind]
- has all the ornaments (भूषणं) befitting (उचित) a warrior (वीर)
- has exquisite (वर) anklets (नूपुर)
- came to Udupi (पुरं) on his own (स्वतनू) [स्वयम् व्यक्त] [to bless Madhvacharya]; OR of his own volition (स्व) resides in our body (तनूपुरं)
- and has made His abode (कृत आलयं) in the excellent (वर) Udupi (रूप्यपीठ) = abode of silver.
सत्कवीन्द्रवचोविलासमहोदयं महितोदयम् ।
लक्षयामि यतीश्वरैः कृतपूजनं गुणभाजनं
धिक्कृतोपम रूप्यपीठकृतालयं हरिमालयम् ॥ ७ ॥
I seek as my goal (लक्षयामि) the Lord who:
- is farthest beyond (अति दूरतर) the mind (मनो) of those who speak (वादि) empty dry words (शुश्क) [i.e. hypocrites who practice rituals merely for show]
- comes eagerly (आगम) and gives festive blessings (उत्सवद) to those who approach him the right way (आगमं)
- is the great inspiration (महा उदयं) and illumination (विलास) to the words (वचो) of great scholars poets and sages (सत् कवि इन्द्र)
- is the source (उदयं) of all greatness (महत्त्व) [incl. inside great people]
- is always worshipped (कृत पूजनं) by the foremost of sages (यतीश्वरैः) [literally by Shrimad Acharya thru Paryaaya Swamiji]
- is the reservoir (भाजन) of all auspicious qualities (गुण)
- has no equal (उपम) – Fie on even such a thought [धिक् कृत]!
- and has made His abode (कृत आलयं) in the excellent (वर) Udupi (रूप्यपीठ) = abode of silver.
नारदप्रियमाविशाम्बुरुहेक्षणं निजलक्षणं
तारकोपमचारुदीपचयान्तरे गतचिन्त रे ।
द्वारकोपम रूप्यपीठकृतालयं हरिमालयम् ॥ ८ ॥
O brave (धीर) mind (मानस), meditate on (चिन्तरे), and surrender completely (आनम) to the Lord who:
[braveness requires conviction and faith to truly follow Varnaashrama Dharma in life as Seva to Lord, not just as mechanical rituals]
- is dear to Narada (नारदप्रिय) [who always chants NaaraayaNa]
- has fully filled (आविश) with beautiful lotus-eyes (अम्बुरुहेक्षण)
- has the only and true (निज) goal (लक्षणं) of protecting his devotees
- is flawless (अच्युत)
- is like (समान) the full moon (पूर्ण चन्द्र) [beautiful, resplendent] entering amongst (अन्तरे गत) the assemblage (चय) of stars (तारक) that are pleasing (चारु) like lights (दीप)
- [समान] [not equality, but similarity on quality, i.e. illustrative comparison]
- and has made His abode (कृत आलयं) in the excellent (वर) Udupi (रूप्यपीठ) = abode of silver.
- to protect us like He did the people of Dwaraka (द्वरक उपम).
रूप्यपीठकृतालयस्य हरेः प्रियम् दुरिताप्रियं
तत्पदार्चकवादिराजयतीरितं गुणपूरितम् ।
गोप्यमष्टकमेतदुच्चमुदे ममास्त्विह निर्मम
प्राप्यशुद्धफलाय तत्र सुकोमलं हृतधीमलम् ॥ ९ ॥
To Hari (हरेः) who has made His abode (कृतालयस्य) in His own dear (प्रियं) Udupi (रूप्य पीठ), who is the remover (अप्रियं) of sorrows and difficulties (दुरित) of his devotees, the Saint Vaadiraaja (वादिराज यति), who is His servant (गोप्यं) and worshipper of His feet (तत् पदार्चक), has composed and submitted (ईरित) this octet (अष्टकम् एतत्) that:
- is filled with His qualities (गुण पूरितं)
- gives elevated joy (उच्च मुदे)
- is to be sung with meaning captured in the heart (गोप्यं) with intent that “I also (मम अस्तु) achieve here (इह प्राप्य) my ultimate goal (शुद्ध फलाय)”
- is soft and tender (सुकोमलं),
- and removes blemishes in the mind (हृत धी मलं)
(इति श्रीवादिराजतीर्थ-विरचिता श्री कृष्णाष्टकम्)
॥ श्री कृष्णार्पणमस्तु ॥
Reference: Pravachana of Vidwan Krishna Raja Kuthpadi
/Raghunath Rao/ “Do your Best … and leave the Rest … “
(All mistakes mine – all credit to Gurus and Acharyas )
|| sarvaṁ śrī kṛṣṇārpanamastu ||